Music India Entertainment is a musical reality show hosted by Indian Musician Subhodip Sarkar with the expert judges Arun Adhikari and Vilas Nande.
A nationwide talent hunt for budding singers, which brings together the best-untapped talent in the country and provides them with a platform to begin their careers as playback singers.
NNB Digital Media Presents Music India Entertainment is an Indian Hindi-language reality singing television show. It started airing on Local Cable TV in 2022 as Music India Entertainment. It is the newest running game show in India on private television. The name of the show is derived from Indian famous record label Music India Entertainment.
This singing competition is for the younger generation, which judges the basis of their voice quality, singing talent and versatility in performance.
#SubhodipSarkar #ArunAdhikari #VilasNande #MusicIndiaEntertainment